ENISA launches upgraded, revamped website with new social media channels

In addition, the Agency’s website has been redesigned to further improve ease of navigation, usability and end-user experience. The new site has dynamic fast-paced architecture providing access to ENISA’s Work Programme, latest reports and position papers, projects, publications and audiovisual material.

The Executive Director of ENISA, Professor Udo Helmbrecht, comments: “I am looking forward to this new phase in our communications. I am personally an ardent fan of new technologies. With many of us now “always online” through 24/7 access and smartphones and mobile devices, ENISA needs to be more visible in cyber space. Social networks extend the Agency’s reach, to give easier access to our latest security analyses and information for safer working and networking online, especially for children.“

ENISA’s social media channels will act as quick and simple platforms for short updates on the Agency’s forthcoming studies and reports, future events, insight and expert analysis on emerging trends and risks. Updates will also include links to vacancies, activities, conferences and procurements.



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