The Communication , which is also in line with the view of the European Central Bank (ECB), presents a series of actions to be undertaken by EU and national authorities, industry and users over the next three years. The Commission has identified six priority themes: (1) Foster migration : Rapid migration is crucial in order to minimise the costly period of running legacy and SEPA systems in parallel. Public authorities should play a key role here. An efficient monitoring of the migration process will help anticipate and remedy possible migration problems. Setting an end-date to the SEPA changeover could significantly boost the SEPA migration process. (2) Increase SEPA awareness and promote SEPA products : All parties involved in the SEPA changeover need to be fully informed about its numerous benefits. This could be achieved through tailor-made information and communication initiatives. (3) Design a sound legal environment and strengthen SEPA compliance : The removal of legal barriers and the design of proper business models which are fully in line with competition rules are cornerstones for a smooth SEPA take-up and increased competition in the payments market. In a self-regulatory context, efficient compliance monitoring deserves special attention. (4) Promote innovation : SEPA should be a driver for the modernisation of retail payment markets, facilitating the use of internet and mobile phones for making payments and promoting the development of environment-friendly e-invoicing solutions. (5) Ensure necessary standardisation, interoperability and security : Interoperable, open and secure standards are essential in a network industry such as payments in order to reap the full benefits of SEPA. (6) Clarify and improve SEPA governance : A n over-arching and efficient governance mechanism that meets the needs of the users is needed at EU level. The main objectives of the new governance structure should be to define a clear strategic vision for SEPA, monitor and support SEPA migration and ensure transparency and accountability.
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