European Cyber Security Organisation gegründet – TeleTrust mit dabei

Die Ziele der neuen European Cyber Security Organisation sind:

  • – to support all types of initiatives or projects that aim to develop, promote, encourage European cyber security
  • – to collaborate with the European Commission in order to establish a European Cyber Security (ECS) contractual Public‐Private Partnership (cPPP) which will support and promote Research and Innovation in cyber security
  • – to support the development of the European cyber security market and the security of the Information and Communication Technologies
  • – to propose priorities for development of European cyber security solutions and services and support their implementation within the H2020 program (and beyond)
  • – to take into account the demand side and the constraints from public administrations
  • – to propose, in cooperation with the Commission, a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and a Multiannual Roadmap
  • – to monitor their implementation and the progression of the cPPP objectives, joining the European Commission in the cPPP Partnership Board
  • – to foster competitiveness and growth of the European cyber security industry (large companies and SME) as well as end users/operators through innovative cyber security technologies, applications, services, solutions
  • – to promote and assist the definition and implementation of elements of a European cyber security industrial policy and promoting the use of European cyber security solutions and secure and trustworthy European ICT solutions and services for the development of a secure and trusted European Digital Single Market
  • – to support the development and the interests of the whole cyber security and ICT security ecosystem, including education, training awareness, etc.
  • – to support the widest and best market uptake of European innovative cyber security technologies and services for professional and private use
  • – to foster market development and investments, among other in demonstration projects and pilots to facilitate bringing innovation to cyber security market.

Bereits am 20.01.2016 fand in Brüssel ein Vorbereitungsworkshop für die „Contractual Public Private Partnership“ zwischen der EU-Kommission und der europäischen Cyber security-Industrie unter Beteiligung von TeleTrusT statt. Der Workshop diente dem Informationsaustausch zwischen Kommission, Mitgliedsstaaten und der Cyber security Industrie und dem Kennenlernen der verschiedenen Akteure. Im Ergebnis des Workshops wurden Arbeitsgruppen aus Industrievertretern gebildet. Die EU-Kommission hat nunmehr das Approval Procedure für das „cPPP on Cyber security“ eröffnet. Die feierliche Unterzeichnung ist für den 05.07.2016 in Strasbourg im Beisein von EU-Kommissare Oettinger und EU-Kommissionsvizepräsident Ansip geplant.

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