Eurosmart market analysis 2009 and vision 2010

Telecom • GSM penetration in emerging markets is fueling steady growth in volume. • In mature markets such as Europe and the USA, the market growth comes from services requiring additional SIM cards, i.e. subscribers using more than one SIM card in additional devices such as netbooks and USB 3G+ keys and from machine to machine (M2M); Financial services • Sustainable growth opportunities thanks to EMV migration, given the fact that only 20 percent of the cards already deployed in this segment are chip cards; • Second driver is contactless dual interface that enable convenient and fast payment and mass transit applications; • Retailers offer innovative payments and loyalty services that will contribute to contactless acceptance. Government and Healthcare • Multiplication of Government ID tenders worldwide and continuous e-Passport deployment; • Other ID applications such as driving licenses, healthcare and electronic services to citizens are participating to the solid growth of this market segment; • Biometry is a vector of innovation in this area. Please follow the link to find tables showing the worldwide volumes shipments in Millions Units (Mu) for both 2009 and 2010 by market segments and furthermore the portion of those that are contactless cards Tables 

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