Eurosmart welcomes the EC proposal to introduce a harmonized contactless electronic security feature on Member states ID cards

“National ID cards and electronic passports are likewise used in Europe to travel, by embedding a harmonised contactless secure element storing the face and fingerprint biometrics will help to increase security within the Union” said Stefane Mouille Eurosmart ,President.

The proposal will contribute to reduce the space in which terrorists and criminals are able to operate by creating an interoperability between the different national ID cards, so that all the EU citizens can exercise their free movement rights in a harmonized and highly secure way.
“We are pleased to see European Commission promoting technologies that are certified under the SOGIS MRA scheme in a such highly sensible use case” complemented Mouille.

The use of this secure technology opens the door to a wide spectrum of new features that could help both business and citizens in everyday life such as electronic identification, e-signature and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market as set out by the 2014 eIDAS regulation.

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