FIME Becomes First Lab to Achieve EMVCo Qualification in North America

EMVCo is the EMV standard body for credit and debit payment cards based on chip card technology. It has an established certification program to confirm products meet the requirements outlined in the EMV Specifications. This promotes increased levels of confidence that EMV products will perform as intended and ensure interoperability between payment devices.

“With EMV Contactless being mandated by major payment schemes and the U.S. working towards its EMV migration deadlines, it is vital that on-the-ground EMV testing and certification can be offered,” explains Xavier Giandominici, Director at FIME America. “We are delighted to now have an EMVCo qualified test bench and to be able to offer these services on-site in Montreal, allowing us to meet the ever-growing demand from regionally-based customers. We believe that this investment will increase capacity and ensure shorter testing cycles.”

FIME America partners with a number of leading schemes and industry bodies to provide certifications and enhance the secure chip ecosystem. FIME’s Montreal laboratory now offers American Express, Isis, MasterCard Mobile certifications as well as card and terminal testing for Discover Zip, Interac Dual Interface, STAR Certiflash and MasterCard PayPass™. FIME also contributes to the EMV Migration Forum initiative to share its secure chip knowledge and support the U.S. in streamlining its certification processes.


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