FIME Qualified to Perform NFC Forum Analog Certification

This news follows an announcement from the NFC Forum in September 2014 that it has added analog testing to its certification programme. The NFC Forum analog certification offers the world’s first detailed evaluation of the radio frequency (RF) performance of an NFC device, confirming that the certified device fulfils the RF requirements and is compliant with the NFC Analog Technical Specification.

“Having been engaged with the NFC Forum for many years, it is great to continue this relationship and be amongst the first third-party laboratories to achieve this qualification,” comments Stephanie El Rhomri, NFC & payment vendors business line manager at FIME. “Consistent RF performance is essential for the future growth of NFC devices and services, as consumers will only adopt the technology if it is smooth, swift and seamless.”

“With the advent of analog testing, device manufacturers now have the means to compare their devices‘ performance against NFC Forum specifications for all parameters, including RF performance, which is essential to ensuring a positive, consistent user experience,” said Paula Hunter, executive director of the NFC Forum. “Testing services providers like FIME play a key role in giving consumers that assurance.”

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