Finland selects Gemalto for its new secure electronic passport and eID

Finland was the first country in the world to introduce polycarbonate material for secure documents in 1989, as well as the first passport with a polycarbonate data page a few years later. This latest evolution of its ePassport incorporates numerous advances in fraud protection. In line with the ICAO and European Union requirements regarding security and privacy, the holder’s digital photograph and fingerprints are stored safely in the contactless microprocessor that is embedded in the passport’s polycarbonate data page.

In addition there will also be some unique security features such as the Sealys Window Lock where a negative ghost image is laser personalized into a metallic foil hidden in a transparent window. This unique technology makes a simultaneous manipulation of the document holder’s portrait and ghost image after issuance of the document impossible without leaving visible traces.

„This is the third generation of Finnish ePassports, which underlines our commitment to providing citizens with the full benefits of electronic and polycarbonate identity and travel documents,“ said Minna Gråsten, Chief of License Administration at National Police Board. „Gemalto’s proposal met all our key objectives for robust security, rapid fulfilment, and high quality citizen services, as well as extensive artwork consultancy.“


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