First Data Appoints David P. Bailis to Oversee Card Issuing Services

„“We’re pleased to bring back someone with David’s talent and first-hand experience at First Data,““ said Ric Duques. „“I have great respect and confidence in David and look forward to having him as part of our senior management team. David’s immediate focus will be on working closely with me to ensure a thorough, strategic and expedient review of the U.S. Card Services business. In addition, David will actively engage with clients and ensure that we remain focused on serving their needs. Although the future of Card is being reviewed, there is an inherent value in assigning a strong leader to drive the effort to find the right approach to this business.““ Bailis was an executive vice president at First Data from 1989 to 2001, serving in multiple leadership roles including head of First Data Resources, the company’s card issuing business, from 1998 to 2001. Most recently, Bailis ran his own business consultancy firm. Bailis received his Bachelor of Commerce from McGill University in Montreal, and graduated from Washington University School of Law in St. Louis and also received his LL.M in Taxation from New York University. 

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