First trial worldwide for cards made from renewable material

The bio-sourced SIM card is made from a new renewable material derived from corn, sugarcane or potato starch. This material is easily recyclable and compostable through small scale industrial units and reduces the global ecological footprint of the production process. This card is part of the expanded portfolio of eco-friendly products that are available for banking, telecom and government customers worldwide. This portfolio underscores Gemalto’s long-standing commitment to develop innovative digital security solutions, which enhance and protect everyday digital interactions, including through production and logistics processes designed to reduce the company’s overall environmental impact. “Gemalto and SFR share the same vision in bringing to the market new innovative products that respect the environment,” said Philippe Vallée, Executive Vice President, Telecommunication Business Unit, Gemalto. “The efforts toward sustainable practices and products are part of Gemalto’s overall belief in being a responsible global corporate citizen.” In spring 2010, SFR will begin the distribution of bio-sourced SIM cards to its customers (via replacement SIMs for defective, lost or stolen cards or in order to access new services). 

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