Gemalto and FPT Information System Partner for the First EMV Deployment in Vietnam

Together, Gemalto and FPT-IS provide end-to-end services by developing a personalization solution tailored for VPBank’s needs, set up 24/7 support, provided consultation and training and deliver EMV microprocessor cards. The partnership between Gemalto and FPT-IS ensured that there was a solid teamwork to cover all aspects of the deployment, which is critical for such fast turn-around times. “EMV migration is no longer just about pushing off-the-shelf products,” said Suzanne Tong-Li, Head of Asia Secure Transaction at Gemalto. “Financial institutions are looking for well established and reliable partners with proven track records who are able to put together customized EMV deployment programs within the shortest timeframes. This launch is a fitting achievement to celebrate the 12th anniversary of VPBank.” 

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