Gemalto Cat 1 LTE connectivity solution wins Most Innovative Application Award

The first to market Gemalto Cinterion Cat 1 LTE device is revolutionizing connectivity for mid-tier bandwidth M2M IoT applications including smart metering, mHealth and fleet management. The module enables 10 Mbps downlink speed and 5 Mbps uplink on LTE networks coupled with reduced M2M module size, low power consumption and significant cost efficiency. As 2G and 3G networks phase out, the solution fills the need for efficient 4G connectivity to support billions of new connections and the anticipated year-over-year growth of nearly 35 percent in the United States alone.

„This module is the first in a series of next generation LTE products that are uniquely positioned to support growing customer need for easy to integrate, cost effective 4G M2M connectivity solutions,“ said Juan Carlos Lazcano, Vice President of M2M for North America at Gemalto. „Sharing the same footprint as existing Cinterion industrial portfolio products and forthcoming LTE modules, the solution enables easy migration to LTE from 2G and 3G devices.“


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