Gemalto deploys EMV fuel payment cards

The Optelio card enables fleet managers to monitor all aspects of individual card usage remotely and in real time. They can control the driver’s identity, the time and value of a fuel purchase, and the number of fills in a predefined period, all of which facilitates robust cost management and fraud reduction. Leveraging EMV technology, the verification of the card’s authenticity is carried out by the payment terminal itself. The transaction can therefore be processed even in the event of a network issue, so ensuring service continuity for AS24 customers.

“We selected Gemalto for their best-in-class team of EMV experts,” commented Bruno Daude-Lagrave, Chairman of AS24. “AS24 is extremely satisfied with the high quality of expert consultancy and support from Gemalto, who have guided us through every stage of our EMV migration process.”

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