Gemalto Integrates Smart Card Security with Microsoft U-Prove

U-Prove is a privacy-protecting cryptographic technology that helps address the need to protect identity-related information online by allowing people to disclose minimal amounts of identifying information when they can access applications and services. It provides multi-party security in that U-Prove issuers, users and relying parties are all protected from outside attacks as well as those originating from each other. With the integration of Gemalto’s technology, users will need their smart card in order to use their U-Prove tokens containing their information and attributes. Gemalto’s tamper-resistant smart cards prevent attacks on users’ U-Prove tokens, and offer additional benefits like helping to enforce various security policies such as non-transferability and unauthorized use of limited-use or expired tokens. “U-Prove with Gemalto smart card technology offers protection and security for online identities,” said Tom Flynn, vice president, Online Authentication and eBanking for Gemalto North America. “We see this identity solution as a critical component for securing the digital future, as both private and public sectors continue to embrace e-services.” 

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