Gemalto Provides First VISA Java EMV Cards in Hong Kong

In order to meet the latest Visa’s security requirements, DBS Bank chose to partner with Gemalto in implementing its ComPass Visa card program. The Visa EMV (Europay, MasterCard, Visa) cards comply with EMV requirements and will help DBS Bank to bring greater peace of mind for cardholders, with additional protection against fraud, and with further increase brand recognition. Gemalto’s Visa EMV card is highly secure and has an open platform operating system that enables post issuance application downloads and loyalty functions. In taking the lead in DBS Bank’s EMV migration project, Gemalto’s card solution enables the bank to introduce to Hong Kong market its ComPass Visa card program, involving in particular two major cards issued by the bank: ComPass Visa Card and ComPass Everyday Visa Card. In addition to supplying its most advanced technology cards, Gemalto also provided full consulting support to the DBS Information Technology team, to point of sales vendors, to loyalty program providers, and to personalization service providers throughout the entire process.  

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