The Gemalto technology includes Sealys eTravel, a highly secure operating system with advanced cryptographic features running on a large capacity contactless microprocessor. In addition to the identity information already displayed on the first page, this eTravel Operating System also features the passport holder’s digitized photograph. “This new success reinforces Gemalto’s positioning in the identity market,” comments Jacques Seneca, Executive Vice President of the Security Business Unit at Gemalto. “With strong references and its global footprint, Gemalto has the most complete product, solution and service offer.”
Ein neuer Digitaler Ausweis-Service ermöglicht die vollautomatisierte Identifikation und Legitimierung von Sparkassen-Kunden innerhalb kürzester Zeit. Entwickelt wurde der Service von der S-Markt & Mehrwert. Die Pilotierung und Einführung wird…