Gemalto to provide Colombia’s first SIM-based mobile banking service

Gemalto’s mobile Banking solution includes a secure software application stored in the SIM card, a server and software that interprets the messages that are exchanged between the banks and the SIM. The solution offers security in the entire transaction process, since the messages are encrypted in the SIM chip and decrypted at the banks’ server, which translates the messages to a specific format. “The m-banking menu is already available to more than 20 million GSM subscribers in the country. Our initial expectation is that 20% of this customer base will execute at least 5 transactions per month. The service is already generating demand, balance check and pre-paid re-charge being the most required services. A few weeks after the launch, the first results show a very successful uptake of the service with more than half million transaction making an average of 6 requests, per active user, per month. To us it clearly showcases the winning combination of the solution: convenience, ease-of-use, mobility and security”, says Valentin Echeverry, Technology and Operations Vice-President at Redeban Multicolor. “Gemalto’s mobile banking solution should trigger a significant benefit for the banks as it offers a new channel for customers to interact with them, while enabling an increase in data revenues and ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) for the operators. Moreover, users obviously gain in convenience and mobility as the banking services can be accessed at any time from any place with outstanding security”, says Rodrigo Serna, vice-president Telecommunication for Gemalto in Latin America. 

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