New cloud-based mobile wallet relying on HCE introduced in Poland

Customers of Getin will be offered an easy and secure way of making proximity payments using HCE technology. Using NFC-compliant smartphones based on Android 4.4 or upper operation system versions, they will be able to perform contactless payments, regardless of their mobile operator. Before using the HCE application customers need to install the Getin Bank HCE mobile wallet and register their Visa mobile card in it. To make a transaction, they will log in to Getin Bank’s application and tap their mobile phone on a contactless payment terminal. Transactions up to 50 PLN (12€) will not require confirmation with a PIN. The application will also allow them to check the history of performed transactions and manage their payment cards.

“Proximity payments are gaining momentum in Poland, that’s why we constantly work on the development of this kind of service. Visa cloud-based payment and HCE are currently the most advanced technologies that are available on the market of mobile payments. Thanks to the cooperation with OT, our customers will soon be able to enjoy this innovative, secure and convenient service” said Pawel Wawiernia Director of Payment Cards and Alternative Payments Department at Getin Noble Bank.



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