Liechtenstein ePassport realized with SAFE ID Solutions Technology

“We are happy with the selection of SAFE ID Solutions as supplier of both, inkjet based personalization hardware and personalization management software for Liechtenstein’s new electronic passport. The fully integrated solution fulfilled our highest expectations and enabled a fast, reliable and highly secure realization of this complex project on time and within budget”, says Mr. Hans Peter Walch from the Liechtenstein Office for Immigration and Passports. During the official press announcement, Otmar Hasler, Head of the Government of Liechtenstein, received his first ePassport and thanked all participants for the excellent effort in integrating a state-of-the-art and reliable ePassport personalization solution that ensures Liechtenstein’s leading positioning as a VISA Waiver country. SAFE ID has delivered and installed its passport solutions combining manual personalization systems and the PSS Personalization Management Software. SAFE ID was also responsible for the evaluation and planning of the new passport design. “To ensure a seamless transfer from a standard passport to a biometric enabled electronic passport system, a number of factors such as secure data communication, key infrastructure, ICAO LDS data generation or the correct addressing of the passport’s chip operating system have to be considered and evaluated”, explains Hans- Peter Kraus, VP Software Development at SAFE ID Solutions. 

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