Magna Carta and Equens introduce alternative for Chipknip

The card balance is topped up by SEPA Direct Debit. For small amounts, and where normal debit card payments are not possible, users often pay using their personal e-wallet. Equens manages the e-wallets, processes the payments, and handles payments to the merchants. This unburdens organisations, since they no longer need to perform financial management for cardholders and merchants.

The cooperation between Magna Carta and Equens offers a solution for existing Chipknip clients looking for an alternative. The system will be available on the market this year. The electronic purse Chipknip will be discontinued as from 1 January, 2015. This alternative means of payment is appealing not only for existing Chipknip users, but also for new users. Magna Carta and Equens will also market ‘Snel en Simpel Betalen’ internationally with a variety of additional innovative services.

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