Mobey Forum Launches Mobile Corporate Banking Workgroup

“The creation of the new workgroup reflects Mobey Forum’s belief that through closer collaboration between banks and vendors, mobile solutions can play a bigger and more valuable role in corporate finance, driving the development of corporate mobile services, raising efficiency and mobilising high profile personnel within the finance department,” comments Petra Bunschoten, Chair of Mobey Forum’s Mobile Corporate Banking Workgroup and Senior Consultant Mobile Financial Services at ING.

Primary areas of focus for the group include addressing the stringent security requirements demanded by today’s corporate environments and exploring the range of user authentication options when using mobile devices in the corporate world.

“Maintaining bullet-proof security as large enterprises go mobile is a major factor that banks need to address in their corporate mobile services,” adds Bunschoten. “We will be working alongside Mobey Forum’s Security Workgroup to address these challenges and listening carefully to our members to ensure we address current needs of the market. The digital age also offers real potential for banks and financial institutions to create new business value for corporates through services that assist with, for example, customer segmentation and loyalty. We also intend to explore the opportunities presented by these services and raise awareness of how they can be harnessed.”



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