Mobile payments arrive in the UK

The cohesion between the Internet and mobile phones is now rapidly developing, which has prompted to add a new dimension to their existing service. is now the first payment-provider to launch a mobile payment service in the UK. In cooperation with Mundwerk AG, has set up this service via the telephone-number 0871 871 3280. Daniel Klein, Managing Director of comments: “We just expanded our exponential growing payment-solution ‘email pay’ by allowing our customers now to pay with their mobile. This way is unlinked to your current location. You can send money within seconds to any mobile-number!” has gained reputation for transfers via email. You just open an online-account at – similar to a mini bank account – credit it with your credit card, bank transfer or cheque and send money in real time to any email address. The majority of’s 120,000 customers use their accounts for auctions and online shopping. Already in February 2003 were proud to announce that they are the first provider to be licenced according to the new EU directive for issuing electronic money within Europe. Until now, no other competitor has succeeded in getting this licence. 

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