Morpho and MasterCard offer mobile NFC services for Polish banks

Morpho processes the secure downloads and manages the lifecyle of the PayPass application on an NFC phone using its Trusted Service Management (TSM) platform. Morpho has more than 10 years of experience and an investment track record in TSM and provides secure solutions and services for the NFC ecosystem.

MasterCard issuers are now adopting a standard process to offer mobile PayPass services on NFC phones, reducing cost and shortening time-to-market. Mobile network operators (MNOs) benefit from this since they only have to create a single connection to MasterCard to reach their customers, eliminating the need to have multiple connections to multiple issuers. Customers of Polish banks can now access mobile PayPass services independent of their MNO connection.

“MasterCard is fully committed to bringing advanced payment technology to our issuers. Mobile PayPass is designed for NFC service. We leveraged Morpho’s experience to build new processes and technologies to shorten project deployment,“ said Paweł Rychliński, Cluster Head of MasterCard Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria and Balkans.

„We are honored to have been selected by MasterCard to work on this high profile NFC payment project,“ said Thian Yee Chua, Senior Vice President and Head of Convergence Services Business Unit at Morpho, e-Documents Division „We have created the proven process to enable new MasterCard issuers to offer mobile PayPass, resulting in shorter time-to-market and cost optimization to the issuers. Currently three issuers are issuing mobile PayPass, and more are in the pipeline. MasterCard issuers can then focus on consumer experience rather than the implementation details.“


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