Morpho and Moneo Payment Solutions launch „MoneoPass by Morpho“ contactless card

The use of multi-application contactless cards such as MoneoPass by Morpho is set to spread, as they combine various uses in a single medium. These include Moneo payment, access to transport, access management and control, season tickets, ID badges, catering, loyalty cards, etc.

These cards also pave the way for the forthcoming arrival of NFC mobile handsets. In the future cell phones will host all of these services, as contactless card readers will also be able to read NFC handsets.

MonoePass by Morpho is the successor to the BMS 2 contactless card, hundreds of thousands of which are used on a daily basis, particularly on university campuses.

The card can be rolled out quickly without affecting existing infrastructure. The new version offers two notable improvements: it complies with the Calypso transport standard which is widely used throughout France and in a number of European countries, and it can also be used for highly secure applications as it contains PKI keys (Public Key Infrastructure).

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