Morpho launches SecureIdentity platform for GOV.UK online services

Scheduled to go live in early 2016, SecureIdentity is a mobile application for citizens to prove and protect their identities online. Users will be able to create a verified identity account through GOV.UK Verify. First-time users of SecureIdentity will go through a one-time only verification process that takes about 10 minutes. Once users are registered on SecureIdentity, it only takes only a few seconds to prove their identities online, thanks to the use of a secure smartphone app. SecureIdentity will enable immediate and secure access without having to wait days for passwords or ID numbers to arrive in the post.

SecureIdentity fully supports the GOV.UK Verify movement to revolutionize access to public services through the adoption of strong digital identification and authentication technologies. These technologies will enable UK citizens and residents to benefit from easier, simpler and faster access to public services, whilst protecting the privacy of their personal data. There will be neither central storage of information nor any disclosure of personal data without the explicit authorization of the user.

Paul Naldrett, Managing Director Morpho UK, said, „Morpho has long been a preferred partner of governments to help them manage their citizens‘ identities, contributing to over 50 programs worldwide, including the UK. Our intimate understanding of this market enables us to assist governments in their digital transformation to the benefit of citizens. The singular focus of SecureIdentity is to facilitate access to online services whilst protecting users from identity fraud. For this reason, we have embedded an extra layer of security into our solution through a dedicated smartphone application.”

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