Morpho wins Calypso Best Innovation Award

Morpho’s FastZone is a multi-service transport card with highest-level security features. It has an embedded Calypso application and an ePurse as well as some attractive new features. Approximately 15 million transport cards based on Calypso are being used in major cities around the world. Due to Morpho, it is the only multi-application transport card on the market that offers strong authentication functions via its public key infrastructure (PKI). This enables cardholders to conveniently sign documents online or to access very secure areas on the Internet, while biometrics capabilities allow use of a fingerprint instead of a pin code for authentication. FastZone can be integrated in any existing transport infrastructure. In addition, the multifunctional solution can be deployed as a city card or university card with access management and payment functions.

“The jury was impressed by the high level of security features – PKI and biometrics – and convenience offered by Fastzone, giving significant added value to Calypso,” commented Philippe Rousselet, Chairman’s Advisor at Calypso Network Association.

Paolo Villasco, Vice President and General Manager Banking Business Unit at Morpho Business Solutions Division said: “We are honored to receive the Calypso Award, as it recognizes our dedication to innovation and Morpho’s outstanding knowledge in security and biometrics.”



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