Morpho’s biometric fingerprint technology maintains lead in NIST evaluations

Morpho’s technology previously demonstrated its superiority in the NIST ELFT-EFS*** and PFT**** evaluations. With these two additional achievements, Morpho further demonstrates the excellence of its fingerprint technology in all NIST evaluation programs conducted over the last few years. “This success reflects our ongoing commitment to innovate and deliver best-in-class technology to our customers,” said Jean-Paul Jainsky, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Morpho. “As Morpho’s subsidiary in the US, MorphoTrak is extremely pleased with the excellent results delivered by the US government’s top testing laboratory for fingerprint technology,” stated Daniel Vassy, President and CEO of MorphoTrak. “MorphoTrak is committed to advancing NIST biometrics standards and developing the innovative solutions to optimize them.” The results of these evaluations are available on the NIST website at: NIST results *MINEX II: Minutiae Exchange **Ongoing MINEX: Ongoing Minutiae Exchange ***ELFT-EFS: Evaluation of Latent Fingerprint Technologies – Extended Feature Sets ****PFT: Proprietary Fingerprint Template 

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