NFC Forum Global Competition 2009 Announces Winners

In the competition, developers in a Commercial Track vied for the honor of having their solutions named “The Best NFC Service of the Year 2009,” while a Research Track recognized “The Most Innovative NFC Research Project of the Year 2009.” First–, second–, and third–place winners in each track were chosen by a jury composed of senior professionals and recognized experts from academia and sponsoring companies. The winners were selected from 20 finalists, who were selected earlier from 52 entries from 21 countries and four continents. Winners in each track were awarded cash prizes. First–place winners received 5000 euros, second–place 1500 euros, and third–place 1000 euros. The first–place winner in the Commercial Track is Interactive Research & Development of Pakistan, for „“Interactive Alerts for Childhood Pneumonia,““ which is a real–time patient tracking and referral system for use in low–resource settings. The system is currently being used for a pneumonia surveillance study in young children in Karachi, Pakistan. The first–place winner in the Research Track is VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, for „“Hot in the City,““ a mobile social media service that uses NFC–enabled mobile phones as a friend connection platform. The second–place winner in the Commercial Track is Servtag of Germany, for „“,““ an NFC–based mobile social ticker that allows users to share their actual locations with friends by touching Friendticker NFC stickers in restaurants and bars. Third place goes to Nordea of Finland for its NFC–based strong end–user authentication solution for online banking, which enables secure access to an online banking site via an NFC–enabled handset and a dual–interface bank card. In the Research Track, the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Faculty of Electrical Engineering is awarded second place for „“Touch to Communicate,““ which allows a consumer who has difficulty communicating to manage phone calls with a simple touch between a mobile device and passive electronic tags. The third–place prize goes to ETH Zurich of Switzerland for the „“APriori““ NFC–based mobile application, which supports consumer purchasing decisions by interacting with tagged products to deliver point–of–sale product ratings. The competition’s goal is to promote the development and deployment of innovative and exemplary NFC services. The Commercial Track is for business ideas that address a specific market, business, or consumer need or want. The Research Track is open to the academic community, including university student teams and institutions. For both commercial and research developers, the NFC Forum Global Competition is more than just an opportunity to win an award. Finalists and winners may look forward to global media coverage, increased awareness among attending industry leaders and venture capitalists, and opportunities to forge partnerships and share ideas. www.nfc–  

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