NFC Forum Publishes White Paper on Use of NFC in Public Transport

Produced by NFC Forum members who are involved in the transport ecosystem, the 33-page illustrated White Paper will be of interest to transport operators, transport authorities and other stakeholders, offering an introduction to the potential uses, benefits, and setup of NFC technology in public transport programs. The paper applies a broad definition of transport, ranging from trains, buses, and subways to taxis, ferries, automobiles, and bicycle rentals, and it includes a variety of descriptive use cases and best practice examples of implementations in Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Appendices cover technical aspects of NFC deployment, Frequently Asked Questions, and a Glossary, with a list of other documents that can assist in planning the use of NFC in transport programs. NFC technology can provide many benefits to both transport operators and travelers. For example, the use of NFC in mobile phones, transit contactless readers, and smart posters enables fast and easy ticketing, speedy access control, the downloading of pertinent travel-related information, and much more. Many NFC-enabled phone transactions can be implemented with existing transport contactless infrastructure, requiring only minor additional updates. The paper describes several ways to introduce NFC into a transport system, from simple point-to-point „“pay-as-you-go““ schemes to more complex implementations that include multiple operators and multiple payment options, for all forms of ticketing systems. An important section of the paper shows how transport operators can realize both financial and operational benefits from adopting NFC. There are cost savings from eliminating equipment, ending use of paper and plastic cards, and reducing cash handling. Increased efficiencies can lead to higher customer satisfaction, which in turn can mean increased travel and retention. New revenue streams from advertising and promotional opportunities can benefit an operator’s bottom line as well. NFC in Public Transport  

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