Oberthur reveals new brand strategy

For Didier Lamouche, CEO of Oberthur Technologies, “It is a strong signal we want to send to the market. Oberthur Technologies has always been at the heart of mobility, from the first smart cards to the latest contactless payment technologies which equip millions of smartphones. Today, our environment is being disrupted by the explosion in mobility, in the fields of Payment, Telecommunications and Identity. This is where the value lies and where we are directing our efforts.”

The company describes the new logo:

“At the heart of the new logo, an on/off symbol illustrates OT’s ability to make the world of mobility possible, by guaranteeing flawless identification and authentication of people and connected objects. This symbol includes the letters O and T for Oberthur Technologies in order to offer a simpler way of saying our name, already used by a lot of our customers.”

For Matthew Foxton, Vice-Président Communications and Branding at OT, “on the one hand, it is validating market practice, where OT is often mentioned in this way; on the other hand, we are being more efficient in terms of “naming”, specifically in high growth regions”.

This new branding communication will also focus on end-users. “End-user benefits tend to be forgotten in a B2B and technological environment when in fact our technologies are part of the daily lives of millions of people, every day and everywhere around the world” added Matthew Foxton.

All communication tools have been revamped to systematically highlight end-user benefits. 5 ecosystems will emphasize the capacity of the Group to be on the end-user experience side: Smart Transactions, Mobile Financial Services, Machine-to-Machine, Digital Identity and Transport & Access Control.



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