Oberthur Technologies’ Board of Directors appoints Didier Lamouche as Chief Executive Officer

Didier Lamouche replaces Xavier Drilhon – a veteran from Oberthur Technologies – who has led the strategy of the Group since the acquisition of the Company by Advent International in 2011. Xavier Drilhon has successfully contributed to the transition to a new shareholding structure, and positioned the Company on market segments exhibiting a significant development potential.

“On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to warmly thank Xavier Drilhon for his great contribution to the development of Oberthur Technologies during the past 19 years spent within the Group. Xavier is handing over a company which is in a positive dynamic”, said Pascal Stefani, member of the Board.

With the nomination of Didier Lamouche, the Board of Directors and the shareholders of Oberthur Technologies are determined to support and accelerate the growth ambition of the company, across all its strategic segments and enforce its leadership on a worldwide basis. Bernard Bourigeaud, Chairman of the Board, declared “we are extremely happy to have Didier Lamouche joining Oberthur Technologies : Didier is a high profile CEO, one of the most experienced of the industry, who will stimulate a new growth focus in a context of promising strategic evolution across all our market segments.”

Didier Lamouche said: “I am happy to be joining a leading technology company such as Oberthur Technologies. Secure technologies are becoming increasingly pervasive across all kinds of applications. I am honoured to be offered the chance to lead such a talented world-class team, and together define with our customers the next advanced technology solutions that their products or services will require for the future.”

Background of Didier Lamouche

Didier Lamouche has over 28 years experience in the semiconductor, I.T. and Wireless industries. Prior to joining Oberthur Technologies, and since November 2010, Didier Lamouche was Chief Operating Officer of ST Microelectronics (a worldwide, semiconductor leading company) and in addition, since December 2011, he took over the role of President & Chief Executive Officer of STEricsson, the 50/50 Joint Venture between STMicro and Ericsson, developing and selling semiconductor platforms and systems chips to the wireless telecommunication handsets industry.


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