Oberthur Technologies delivers the new French professional health cards

Smartcards used by health professionals (CPS2ter) were expiring in February 2011. Consequently, the ASIP decided to replace them with a new generation card (CPS3) integrating new functionalities and specifications compliant with Europeans standards. The CPS3 smartcard embeds the IAS ECC application which permits digital signature as well as user identification and authentication. Moreover, this smartcard will be used for physical contactless identification. This new smartcard also embeds the CPS2Ter application developed by Oberthur Technologies for the ASIP; this application is certified common criteria. It will facilitate the migration from the previous smartcard and insure the compatibility of the new card with current medical applications. For this project, Oberthur Technologies will deliver 1.5 million smartcards to the health professionals in France. Issuance of the new smartcards began in February 2011. There are 16 different designs according to the specialty of the professional (generalist, pharmacist, nurse, etc…). Oberthur Technologies is in charge of supplying the full solution; from product development to security certification, personalisation and, finally, delivery. “With this contract, Oberthur Technologies reaffirms its leadership position in the French heath market”, said Michel Berdugo, France Sales Director , Identity division at Oberthur Technologies, “we are now the main supplier for three large scale smartcard projects in France; patients health cards – Sesam Vitale 2, healthcare insurance cards – DUO – and French professionals health cards, CPS3”. www.oberthur.com 

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