Oberthur Technologies launches NFC in a Box

NFC-enabled mobile phones are predicted to grow exponentially in coming years, introducing new services such as mobile payment, transport and e-ticketing into the market. Many industry players in the NFC field are preparing to offer NFC services by launching predeployment pilots, and the demand for these trials continues to increase. In order to facilitate the deployment of pilots, Oberthur Technologies’ NFC in a box program provides a step by step approach to helping operators and service providers understand the technologies and business issues involved, plan the project and successfully deploy the pilot. NFC in a box is a packaged solution which allows an NFC pilot to be set up in 16 weeks. Within the ‘box’, Oberthur Technologies provides training, consultancy, program management and the latest NFC compliant SIM cards, OTA (Over-the-Air) personalisation and TSM (Trusted Services Management) services. Financial institutions and transit operators worldwide will have the additional benefit of local access to Oberthur’s global network of more than 30 personalisation bureaus. The SIM will be personalized seamlessly over-the-air just as cards are personalized in the bureaus today. NFC in a box has been designed as a replica of Oberthur Technologies‘ EMV in a box solution that allows payment card issuers to migrate to EMV in 12 weeks. d.cagnieul@oberthurcs.com www.oberthurcs.com 

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