Oberthur Technologies’ NFC embedded Secure Element equips Samsung GALAXY S4

Oberthur Technologies’ PEARL is the most advanced multi-application embedded Secure Element and offers the largest memory on the market. It is also the first of its kind to be certified by Visa, MasterCard and Google. PEARL allows easy deployment of secure NFC payment, strong authentication, transit, access and loyalty applications. Oberthur Technologies is a recognised leader in trusted payment and plays a key role in the ecosystem through supplying solutions and facilitating connections for a large number of financial institutions and service providers.

“We are proud to be recognised through this contract as a trusted partner for the deployment of secured NFC services in the Samsung GALAXY S4” said Cédric Collomb, Telecom Business Unit Managing Director at Oberthur Technologies. “Teams have collaborated very closely to deliver the best-in-class secured eSE NFC services for this long-awaited smartphone”.

Oberthur Technologies offers OEMs its NFC security expertise along with certified NFC applications, the TSMs to manage them dynamically, and benefits stemming from its relationships with an extended network of service providers.


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