OMNISECURE – The exhibition

At OMNISECURE globally active companies present their technologies and services in the field of card technology and applications.

The conference rooms are surrounded by the exhibitions space. The coffee breaks and buffets are held here in a relaxed and convivial atmosphere. The highly popular evening receptions also take place in the exhibition area.

The exhibition area is the place where interesting discussions take place again and again, and new contacts are forged. With its many, spaciously arranged sitting areas, it is the ideal location for getting a conversation going.

Are you interested in being an exhibitor?
Why not reserve one of our popular booths in good time or ask us for individual advice.
Book now!

For further information by e-mail: contact [at]

Please note:

Only conference delegates may visit the exhibition or take part in the evening events. It is not possible to separate the conference and exhibition areas. We would prefer not to have conduct continual identity checks. For this reason it is not possible to make a separate booking just for the evening events.

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