OSPT Alliance Releases ‘How to Guide’ on Implementing the CIPURSE™ Open Standard

Titled ‘Integrating CIPURSE™ V2 into an Existing Automated Fare Collection System’, the document can be of interest to all stakeholders engaged in delivering and managing ticketing systems. As CIPURSE is the first open transit ticketing standard available, the paper overcomes the misconceptions around the cost and complexity of integrating CIPURSE into established AFC systems. It also promotes the long term benefits of moving to an open ecosystem.

“The work of OSPT Alliance is focused on integration not migration,” explains Laurent Cremer, Executive Director at OSPT Alliance. “Our members want to establish an open and standardized ticketing ecosystem that attracts all different business models, such as public private partnerships, state or private funding, to deliver innovative solutions to citizens. Yet, this long-term vision of a truly open ecosystem needs to be balanced with commercial market reality. Costs must be contained and a step-by-step approach taken. CIPURSE has been designed using this industry knowledge and understanding these restrictions.”

The technical paper offers a detailed review of current AFC systems and how the CIPURSE standard can be integrated at a terminal and data management level. An insight into deploying CIPURSE is shared with readers through several use case scenarios and with the required technical information to perform all the steps in the integration process.

Laurent adds: “We are delighted to offer this level of technical guidance and transparency to the industry and view this document as a key milestone in our work program. It showcases ‘how’ CIPURSE can be integrated today in an accessible, open format that is available to all industry participants.”


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