OTI Provides Contactless Smart Stickers Contactless Readers to Turkey

OTI’s payment solutions enhanced E-Kent newly adopted strategy that calls for making alternative distribution channels for E-Kent’s main transportation payment vehicle. The initial contract is for a pilot in Bursa, a city with a population of 2.5 million residents and is expected to grow to other cities in Turkey. OTI’s payment solution offers a unique payment experience for mass transit. In Bursa, buses serving the area will be equipped with the new system which allows customers to use their cell phones or other mobile devices for both transit and payment. In Bursa, payments by cell phone are enabled by OTI’s contactless Smart Sticker. The sticker is an entirely self-contained, contactless payment device that adheres to multiple surfaces including mobile phones, PDAs and more. Payments are made by placing the smart sticker a few inches away from OTI’s Saturn 6000 contactless reader. www.otiglobal.com 

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