Philips to sell Majority Stake in Semiconductors Business

Mr. Gerard Kleisterlee, President and CEO of Royal Philips Electronics, said: „“This is a defining moment for both Philips and its semiconductors business. As a stand-alone company, the semiconductors business will have every opportunity to realize its full potential and we are very pleased to have found strong partners that share our belief. As a business partner, we will remain strongly committed to the future success of the business. As Philips, we are completing our shift away from running cyclical activities, and can fully focus on building an even stronger company in Healthcare and Lifestyle around the brand promise of sense and simplicity.““ Upon completion of the transaction, Mr. Frans van Houten will relinquish his current positions as member of the Board of Royal Philips Electronics and CEO of Philips‘ Semiconductors business to become the President and CEO of the new stand-alone semiconductors company. The renaming of the new company will be announced in due course. Mr. van Houten said: „“Today’s agreement with KKR, Silver Lake and AlpInvest represents an exciting foundation upon which our new semiconductors company can successfully grow and compete as a stand-alone company. The business, with its strong R&D capabilities and broad intellectual property portfolio, will continue to focus on strengthening its performance and presence in Mobile & Personal, Home, Automotive & Identification and Multi Market Semiconductors – our four key markets. We remain entirely committed to completing our successful business renewal program.““ 

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