SAFE ID delivers first phase of Georgian ePassport Program

The European Union, the Civil Registry Agency of Georgia and SAFE ID worked together to lay the groundwork for a modernized system of issuance of electronic Passports from 2010 onwards. Georgian citizens will, in the near future, benefit from the country’s alignment to international security standards. Electronic passports will be issued as a result of the ambitious ePassport program of the Georgian Government. The first stage of the plan is now materialized with the support and funding of the European Union. Within a very short timeframe of only 3 months, this project has been implemented by SAFE ID Solutions AG, a German based security solutions provider who specializes in electronic ID document issuance and control processes. SAFE ID Solutions AG was responsible for the delivery, installation and integration of various biometric equipment and software for capturing electronic signatures, fingerprints, face recognition, as well as technology for certification and document verification purposes. Specifically for this project, SAFE ID formed a consortium with German based Cognitec Systems GmbH who in turn delivered the face recognition component of the solution. 

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