Setec increases its passport and ID card production capacity in Finland

Setec’s Board of Directors has accepted a major investment plan for Setec’s production to meet the increasing demands of the biometric passport and polycarbonate-based ID market. The first phase will take place over the next six months with the increase of the capacity of the passport and ID card printing and lamination. Phase two will see the company investing in the finishing line for ID products. This investment is being made in the light of Setec’s recent successes in this market, and with the prospect of further opportunities from leveraging Gemplus’s worldwide network. Many of these investments will be in place by the end of year. „“This investment plan clearly indicates Setec’s strength and expertise in the biometric passport and ID and EID card markets. We are delighted to be investing in Finland, in terms of both facilities and the 40 employees we have hired since the acquisition by Gemplus. This demonstrates clearly that we are reinforcing our position in the rapidly increasing identification and security market,““ said Pekka Eloholma, President and CEO, Setec. 

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