Smart Insights and LFoundry Publish a White Paper “a New Model for Silicon Foundry”

The semiconductor industry is undergoing major changes: the bulk of the demand for semiconductors has shifted from personal computers to portable devices such as smartphones or tablets, which means a faster evolution in terms of product demand. At the same time, the semiconductor industry itself is restructuring, with a higher concentration in the hands of a few pure-play foundries, and a vast array of fabless / fablite semiconductor companies. The ever-increasing cost of R&D and access to semiconductor technologies constitutes an additional factor in the concentration movement. The technology itself, in terms of transistor architecture, and in terms of technology node is in an uncertainty phase. These factors, supplemented by the growing power of pure-play foundries in the ecosystem, lead to the definition of a new business model.

Under this new business model, smaller foundries emerge, that are able to provide customers with flexibility, differentiation, reactivity and trust. Thanks to their independence, and a choice of technologies better suited to customer needs, these smaller foundries are able to deliver better services, at a competitive price and supported by a high level of service.

LFoundry and Intelling Smart Insights White Paper “A new model for silicon foundry” develop these points in detail, and bring information about these trends and evolutions in the semiconductor industry. “Thanks to our fruitful collaboration with LFoundry, we believe that the new approach we develop in the White Paper “A new model for silicon foundry” will contribute to a better understanding of the major stakes in the semiconductor industry”, said Thierry Spanjaard, Smart Insights, co-author of the report.

The White Paper “A new model for silicon foundry” is available online from SmartInsights website at

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