SmartGate Services for Australian Customs and Border Protection Service

SmartGate carries out biometric identification of eligible ePassport holders. Travellers are identified in real-time using facial recognition technology, and that image is then compared to the digital image stored in the chip of their electronic passport. The system has been recognised as a key tool for Australian Customs and Border Protection Service as it not only simplifies the control process but it does so without compromising border security.

“Moving to the new services model is part of Customs and Border Protection’s long term plan and strategy for the delivery of cost effective and highly secure border processing. The maintenance and enhancement of proven services such as SmartGate, provide Customs and Border Protection with necessary capability and capacity to cope with growing passenger numbers through Australian airports and to streamline the travel of legitimate passengers” said Robyn Miller, National Manager – Business Capability Branch from Australian Customs and Border Protection Service.

“The implementation of SmartGate has been received very positively and we are proud that the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service is continuing the partnership with Morpho to service this important facility,” said Tim Ferris, General Manager of Sales for Morpho’s local subsidiary, Morpho Australasia.

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