Steady Growth of the new European Payment Association

Since July 2006 three companies joined as voting members (BCB Processing, ConCardis, Bibit) and three companies joined as non-voting members (Cartes Bancaires CB, TNS and TSYS Europe). There are now 36 members from 7 European countries. In 2006, four informal meetings were organized mainly on issues around SEPA, Security Issues, Technical Standards and Competition Law. There were external speakers from the European Commission, ECB, the European Central Bank (ECB), MasterCard, Visa, ZKA/EAPS, Cartes Bancaires, West LB, Deutsche BP, Concert International and others. As further operational activities in 2006, a new EPSM homepage and EPSM intranet were introduced. In addition, the monthly „EPSM Market Research Newsletter“ and the quarterly „EPSM Competition Newsletter“ were launched. These two newsletters are distributed electronically to all members. 

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