Thinfilm and Xerox Become Principal Members of the NFC Forum

Thin Film Electronics ASA is a leader in the development of Printed Electronics. The first to commercialize printed rewritable memory, Thinfilm is creating printed system products that will include memory, sensing, display and wireless communication such as NFC — at a cost-per-functionality unmatched by any other electronic technology. Thinfilm’s roadmap of system products integrates technology from a strong and growing ecosystem of partners to enable the Internet of Things by bringing intelligence to disposable goods.

Since the invention of Xerography more than 75 years ago, the people of Xerox have helped businesses simplify the way work gets done. Today, Xerox is the global leader in business process and document management, helping organizations of any size be more efficient so they can focus on their real business. Headquartered in Norwalk, Conn., more than 140,000 Xerox employees serve clients in 160 countries, providing business services, printing equipment and software for commercial and government organizations.

The Principal level is the next-to-top tier of NFC Forum membership, and it includes significant participation opportunities. Principal members may designate individuals to run for Forum leadership positions, and they may appoint one voting representative to each NFC Forum Committee and Working Group. Other privileges include proposing Forum initiatives and participating in the NFC Forum testing and certification program using their own in-house test labs.

„Like the NFC global ecosystem, the NFC Forum thrives on diverse industry perspectives and insights,“ said Koichi Tagawa, chairman of the NFC Forum. „We welcome and look forward to the unique contributions that Thinfilm, Xerox, and our other new members will bring to the organization.“


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