Trüb AG joins Smart Payment Association

Trüb AG will take its place on the Board and participate in the SPA’s extensive working group program – extending the trade association’s influence on, and support of, a rapidly expanding global smart payments ecosystem.

In addition to providing an expert voice in support of the SPA’s global payment standardization activities, Trüb AG will also participate in, and benefit from, the organization’s comprehensive global payment card monitoring and wide-ranging advocacy services.

Working in partnership with global standards bodies, the financial sector and its own vendor community, the SPA plays a key role in driving best practice and accelerating the adoption of advanced payment technologies.

Commenting on Trüb AG’s membership, SPA President, Sylvie Gibert said: “SPA is rightly regarded as a thought leading and influential organization in the payments industry. Our strategy of controlled membership expansion recognizes the changes within the industry and the growing depth of the ecosystem – confirming our commitment to providing the very best advisory services for vendors, issuers and end-users. I would like to warmly welcome Trüb on behalf of all SPA members, and look forward to working with its representatives very closely.”

Commenting on its membership, Thomas Bachmann, Head of Product Management Trüb said: “Smart & secure payment, is an international business with rising complexity. The market brings together traditional technology leaders, standards, financial communities and new players in a rapidly evolving environment. As an executive member of the SPA we look forward to further shape the future of this increasingly dynamic market.”

Trüb AG joined the SPA as an executive member on 01 July 2014.

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