Trüb launches new generation of CombOS® Dual Interface

Payment transactions with CombOS® DI v2 are significantly faster: contactless transactions with PayPass M/Chip and payWave qVSDC will be 30% quicker than with the predecessor product, PayPass Magstripe and payWave MSD transactions are 20% faster. CombOS DI v2 also allows for backward compatibility with M/Chip 4 as well as M/Chip 2 allowing implementation all over the world.

Trüb now gives issuers the opportunity to combine payment with other disciplines. There are now three alternatives on offer: the new MasterCard Data Storage, a Mifare emulation or standard ISO commands. Issuers may use these capabilities in transport, loyalty, authentication and physical access projects. Contact Trüb to find out how these alternatives may benefit customers in complex tasks.

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