TSYS and CASSIS International Enter Into Mobile NFC Partnership

„“Consumers will soon be using their phones as their wallets, so delivering secure mobile payments, loyalty, rewards and coupons will be a ‘must have’ for our bank and merchant customers,” said Troy Woods, president and chief operating officer, TSYS. “TSYS is committed to offering a full range of mobile solutions that meets our customers’ needs both today and tomorrow, and we are excited to partner with CASSIS, a global leader in technology and trusted service management for mobile NFC.” „“We look forward to collaborating with TSYS, a global leader in electronic payments and loyalty to advance the value, convenience and integrated functionality of mobile NFC,” said TH Tan, chairman of CASSIS International. “Together, we can help all parties along the payments value chain to bring mobile NFC to market, so that everyone stands to win — most of all consumers.” www.tsys.com 

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