TSYS Creating a More Open Technology Environment to Power Innovation

This new technology framework called Surround® has been in alpha testing with TSYS global issuing platforms and will move into beta testing with a large Canadian client. TSYS will introduce Surround to its broader customer base in the second quarter of 2015.

“At TSYS, we have the scale and the connections across banks, retailers, businesses and consumers to power the future of payment innovation,” said M. Troy Woods, president and chief executive officer, TSYS. “We touch someone’s life or business 44 million times each day, routing more than $2.6 trillion per year. These efforts across our enterprise will support innovation now and in the future with unprecedented interconnectivity.”

TSYS’ strategy leverages the scale of TSYS’ mainframe and distributed systems to connect with 3rd platform technologies including mobile, cloud, big data and social technologies. “We will be partnering with a limited number of new players as we identify services that can add incremental value to our clients and their cardholders. These efforts support simplifying the complexity in payments,” said Woods.

Adhering to its brand promise of putting people at the center of payments, TSYS’ strategy focuses on improving the customer experience at every interaction. The strategy includes delivery of the next generation of consumer servicing by providing its issuing clients with “a 360-degree view” of their cardholders to support a consistent service experience regardless of the channel used to include contact center/back-office, branch, mobile and Web self-service.



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