BASE24-es offers integrated transaction services to acquire, authenticate, route, switch and authorize transactions across multiple delivery channels. It represents the next-generation implementation of ACI’s BASE24 payments platform, built on a unique architecture that helps customers improve profitability, enhance service and speed time to market. The software can be implemented one service at a time or as an integrated, end-to-end system. Visa selected BASE24-es for its flexibility and open systems architecture. In a prototype phase, ACI worked with Deloitte and Sun to verify the system could meet Visa’s rigorous requirements for scalability, throughput and reliability. The product’s flexibility is especially important in high-growth, high-volume regions like the EU, where Visa’s processing platform must support multiple currencies, regulatory environments and product issuance strategies. BASE24-es is parameter-driven and features a powerful scripting engine that allows users to choreograph processing logic without modifying source code, for example, to introduce new authorization parameters for a specific market segment. As a result, Visa’s regional operating centers can tailor products and services more quickly and cost-efficiently than in the past. Other features that proved valuable to Visa are the product’s component-based architecture, allowing transaction services to be built once and reused in multiple ways; the ability to prototype new transaction types or products via scripting to test their usability before introduction to member institutions; and the ability to operate the software on a variety of industry-standard platforms.
Ein neuer Digitaler Ausweis-Service ermöglicht die vollautomatisierte Identifikation und Legitimierung von Sparkassen-Kunden innerhalb kürzester Zeit. Entwickelt wurde der Service von der S-Markt & Mehrwert. Die Pilotierung und Einführung wird…